Alex gamer heads for US

ALEXANDRA – For me to be a three-time champion for Red Bull Hit the Streets is a dream come true, says JabhiM.

Goliath Gaming’s JabhiM from Alexandra is now a three-time Red Bull Hit The Streets champion and will be heading to the Red Bull Kumite for the second time to take part in the Last Chance Qualifier in Las Vegas, US.

Hosted by Sandile GQ Ntshingila at Bravado HQ, the seven best Street Fighter V and Tekken gamers across South Africa went head-to-head for the ultimate prize.

“The final with Billy D was intense and a close one. To be the three-time champion for Red Bull Hit the Streets is a dream come true. “The training will be more intense leading up to Red Bull Kumite in December.” said JabhiM, commenting on his third win in a row.

Read the full article on Alex News.

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